In December 1989, our founding partners saw an innovative rotary UPS at the Hanover fair. It was made by a family-run German company called AVK|SEG. That joint-venture was the spark that started the AVK business in the UK. But back then, they could hardly have pictured our business as it is today.
The traditional model for our industry centred on manufacturers selling individual standardized products, through local agents. The focus was on the product itself, and the delivery side of things depended a lot on the varying skillset of those local agents.
At AVK, we always set ourselves apart by the expertise of our people and the quality of delivery, installation and maintenance we offered. Since we have never been a manufacturer and we have the ability to partner with the best suppliers, we have always been able to source the best quality, most appropriate components from across the industry. So, unlike manufacturers, we are able to give clients the most effective solutions, customised to their needs. And we were one of the first businesses to recognise that customers wanted a total solution to their power problems, not just a piece of equipment.
With the digital revolution and the rise of the data centre industry, that need for comprehensive, consultative solutions to complex power problems has grown exponentially. Now, with the advent of AI, the need to power tomorrow’s data in smart and sustainable ways has become even more vital.
Tomorrow’s data centres will demand more power. They will use more advanced technology, from liquid cooling systems to AI applications. They will require more creative off-grid prime power solutions. And, most of all, they will need to drive towards net-zero, doing more while cutting emissions and putting sustainability first.
AVK is at the very forefront of all these developments. We are the largest and fastest-growing supplier of innovative power solutions for data centres in the UK and Europe. We specialise in all aspects of the design, planning, implementation, and continuing maintenance. Now our brand fully reflects the work that our amazing people do every day – and the opportunities we have to power positive change.
Our new brand comes with a new strapline: Powering tomorrow’s data, a simplified logo, versatile fonts, and a modern, digitally-focused colour palette. The strikingly distinctive but flexible design system gives us the visual power to stand out from the crowd. It’s complemented by a photography style designed to help us showcase our people, their work and the scale and complexity of the innovative power solutions we deliver. And our straightforward, expert and helpful tone of voice reflects the way our people communicate in real life.
Throughout the brand development process, we’ve taken inspiration from our people and the way they work together. Our new brand is not just a change in appearance, it’s a reflection of our evolving identity. It captures the experience we provide to our customers. It deepens the emotional connection with our audience by clearly communicating what makes us unique and showing all the ways in which we add value. It gives us a platform to share our ideas and deliver thought-leadership for our industry.
Most of all, our identity-driven brand refresh is a statement of what we believe in and all that we stand for. Our new values reflect the way that AVK people get things done. These are the qualities that set us apart – and the reason that clients and partners trust us time and again. Our mission puts us at the heart of innovation and transformation in a data-driven world. Our vision gives us a clear focus on helping to build a more sustainable future.
Our new brand represents who we are today and where we want to be tomorrow. We hope you find it as engaging, intelligent and agile as the AVK people who inspired it.