A second Amazon data centre is to be built on lands beside their ongoing centre at the IDA Park.
Tunis Properties LLC have applied to Meath CC for a two storey (with mezzanine levels at both storeys) data storage facility building with a maximum overall height of approximately 25 metres, containing data halls, associated electrical and mechanical Plant Rooms, a loading bay, maintenance and storage space, office administration areas, etc.
The proposed data storage facility building will be located to the north of the data storage facility building under construction.
It will have 50 car parking spaces and 26 cycle parking spaces . The application site measures 3.58 hectares. The development will be operated by Amazon Data Services Ireland Ltd.
The Proposed Development site shares part of its western and northern boundaries with the International Fund Services (Ireland) Limited property. Beyond this, lands are largely defined by medium- to high-density residential uses, with residential developments such as Beechwood and Cedarfield within 200m of the eastern and north-eastern boundaries of the proposed development site.
The total peak construction population on site is estimated to be of the order of 400 staff (average 275). Site staff will include management, engineers, construction crews, and supervisors.
Subject to grant of planning permission, the target date (earliest possible date) for commencement of construction of the building will be mid 2023 with full operation by June, 2026.
It is envisioned that 30,200m3 of material will be excavated from the site to facilitate construction.
The application states that once operational, up to 50 full time employees will be present on site during the day in each building, including external staff, maintenance contractors and visitors, as required. Staff will be present on a shift basis, so numbers will vary throughout the day. Up to 7 staff will be night shifts each day per building.
The lifespan of the facility is likely to be 10-20 years.
‘Upon closure the building, plant, equipment, drainage networks etc. at the site will be fully decontaminated and decommissioned in accordance with prevailing best
practice. The building once rendered environmentally safe will more than likely be retained and sold on for future use following closure,’ they state.
In August 2020, Amazon announced a new 115-megawatt (MW) wind farm project in Co. Galway, which will begin operating in 2022, and will support their data storage facilities in the country. The new project adds to their existing projects in Co. Cork, which came online in September 2020, and another project in Co. Donegal coming online in 2022.
The planning reports says, ‘There may be a short term slight negative impact on the local residential population during the construction phase and the operational phase as well as the potential additional housing demand in the wider commuter area as a result of increased employment provided by the Proposed Development. The impacts on the local population in terms of residents and businesses are considered to be mainly positive in the sense of creating direct employment opportunities and indirect additional business, both during the construction and operational phases..
A decision is expected by June this year.