John Laban
Open Compute Project
John supports various not for profit foundations that promote the open source tech collaborative commons and decarbonisation: Open Compute Project; OpenUK; SDIA.
He loves books and has an insatiable curiosity which has resulted in a varied life to date: Gardener; Metallurgist; London Stock Exchange Network Specialist; Jungle Explorer; Long distance motorcycle traveler; Rock Singer; Data Centre Architect; Teacher; Maker; Story Teller……
John dislikes the words Expert & Professional with a vengeance because those people stifle change. John’s favorite colour this decade is purple, having spent the previous decade being very fond of green and wash. John is always questioning the status quo because he believes that things can always be improved and done better through open source tech in the collaborative commons…..but he also thinks he could be wrong about this?
Twitter @rumperedis
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